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  • Writer's pictureMurad Hossain

Saving your fridge? 6 tips to keep it in good condition

There are two main reasons why we end up having other appliances. One of them is technology, which, given its constant change and renewal, we end up acquiring new devices from time to time; On the other hand, moving from one place to another or selling a property we used to have, suddenly makes us have other appliances. Has it happened to you?

In our experience as a company that provides additional deposits, we know that it is something that usually happens, and one of the appliances that generates more questions about its storage and care, are the refrigerators. So, if you are one of the people who still does not know what to do with that refrigerator that you plan to store for a while and fear its deterioration, here are some tips for you that will help you.

1. Avoid wet spaces

If you are considering keeping your refrigerator for a long time, the first thing you should keep in mind is not to leave it in any corner and exposed to anything, as this can cause the malfunction of certain parts, a gas leak or even its oxidation and therefore loss.

Before saving, you must leave each piece completely dry and leave it free of any trace of water or moisture inside and out. Try also that the place where you are going to leave it, is ventilated and has a low percentage of humidity in the environment.

2. Cleaning is important

In the case that you already have the perfect place for storage and your refrigerator is already clean and free of water between its pieces, it guarantees the cleanliness of the space. Use disinfectants to rid all traces of bacteria and after that, make sure once again that there are no traces of water nearby; For the latter, you can let the air run until the space is dry.

Also remember to vacuum and clean frequently the dust that can accumulate in the storage place; also checking that there are no rodents or other animals that could damage the refrigerator cables

3. Avoiding the smell of saved

Has it happened to you that after storing something, it becomes a strange smell? For everything there is a solution, and we have the perfect answer for it. Use small boxes of baking soda in the strategic points of your refrigerator (the door and the important compartments) to avoid your refrigerator and the space where you store it, acquire strange odors in the future.

4. The packing

Like when you bought it, a refrigerator should not be stored just like that. If preferable, you should purchase the appropriate packaging so that it is better preserved. Try to make a careful choice of the material with which you will keep it, because this should protect your appliance from dust and moisture, as they are the main factors that cause deterioration in these devices.

The most ideal for storing appliances is the use of kraft paper, because it is a neutral colored material that does not leave ink stains and also absorbs moisture and prevents it from affecting your appliances.

5. The durability

When something is to be stored, even if it is an object, its durability must be taken into account. This information can be acquired by reading the user manual or visiting the manufacturer's website. Additionally, take into account the materials with which your refrigerator has been made, because this will give you a notion of the perfect packaging for storage or environmental conditions.

6. Periodic review

Now, if you are going to connect it to perform the respective revision, you should see that it is in good condition, which includes a check of the cables - that they are not cut, melted or open. Also, before connecting, be sure to remove dust that has accumulated during the time it was stored.

You should keep in mind that since it is a refrigerator, before being transported to turn it on again, you should expect it to have a rest of at least four hours.

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